EGP Design Training 2015

EGP Design Training 2015

EGP design training was conducted on November 25, 2015 and  December 03, 2015. the objective of this program was to train the EGP members so that they can know how to design of banner, brochure etc. the trainer was from PRD division namely Mr. Rony Renaldy. the material of design was all about Corel draw and Photoshop. after conducted this program we do hope that EGP members were able to design so that when we held some agenda in future we were easy to choose someone who becomes PDD division so not the man that is all. and we had a plan to conduct this program regularly at EGP basecamp because design training needed to practice as often possible so that they can master all about Corel draw and Photoshop. so just wait the next class of design training by EGP. join EGP and Get pride Be awesome with us. 
